Ideal Protein Diet Review: Worth It or Not?

In this comprehensive Ideal Protein Diet review, we will delve into the intricacies of this high protein dietary pattern. As a branded diet that promises quick weight loss through low carb and low calorie meals, it has garnered much attention.

We’ll examine how the ideal protein diet works, its phases and duration, along with an analysis of the premade ideal protein dishes. This includes a detailed look at the dietary restrictions in phase I as well as guidelines for phase II.

Further on in our Ideal Protein Diet review, we explore criticisms against animal proteins intake and concerns associated with IP products. We also discuss potential challenges faced post-diet completion such as regaining lost weight or maintaining dietary freedom.

The discussion culminates with an assessment of peer-reviewed studies to ascertain whether there is scientific evidence supporting claims made by promoters of the ideal protein diet. Our aim is to furnish you with a comprehensive outlook so that you can take knowledgeable steps towards your weight loss objectives.

Table of Contents:

The Ideal Protein Diet Overview

The Ideal Protein Diet is a high protein dietary pattern that helps you lose weight through ketosis. Developed by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh and Olivier Benloulou, this low carb diet plan is structured into three phases and can last up to 12 months depending on your weight loss goals.

Origins of the Ideal Protein Diet

The Ideal Protein Diet was designed to reduce body fat while preserving muscle mass. Dr. Tran Tien Chanh created this ketogenic diet to help dieters lose water weight initially followed by burning stored fats in their bodies due to lack of carbohydrates intake.

Structure of the Ideal Protein Diet

  • Phase I: Achieve your target body weight using premade Ideal Protein dishes like peanut butter bars or fat-free ham alongside selected vegetables and complex carbs.
  • Phase II: Reintroduce moderate amounts of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates back into your meals.
  • Phase III: Maintain balanced eating habits where meals provide 20 grams or less net carbs per day ensuring sustainable lifestyle changes beyond just losing weight.

Participants also receive nutrition counseling from a certified weight loss coach based during each stage which makes it easier for them to stick with their regimen without feeling overwhelmed or deprived during their journey towards achieving optimal health outcomes.

Note: While branded diets like IP may work wonders for some individuals, they might not be suitable for everyone due to varying metabolic rates among other factors. Seek professional guidance before embarking upon any drastic dietary changes, especially those involving restricted food groups such as low-carb diets.

Dietary Supplements in Phase I

The Ideal Protein Diet starts with phase one, a crucial part of the weight loss journey that introduces dieters to a new eating pattern. This high protein dietary pattern is designed to put your body into ketosis, promoting rapid weight loss.

Recommended Food Intake in Phase I

In this initial stage, participants are advised to consume only selected vegetables and complex carbs as their primary source of nutrition. The diet also encourages the intake of specific supplements during breakfast which include multivitamins, calcium-magnesium supplement, an omega-3 supplement, and potassium supplement. These prepackaged meals provide 20 grams of protein per serving ensuring you meet your daily nutritional needs without exceeding calorie limits.

  • Multivitamins: To ensure optimal nutrient intake while on a low-calorie diet.
  • Calcium-Magnesium Supplement: To support bone health and muscle function.
  • Omega-3 Supplement: Essential for heart health and brain function.
  • Potassium Supplement: Helps regulate fluid balance and nerve signals in the body.

Risks Associated With Dietary Supplements

Though dietary supplements can be beneficial, it’s essential to remember that they may pose potential health risks if taken excessively or by those with certain medical conditions; therefore, consulting a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen is recommended. According to FDA guidelines, some may pose potential health risks if consumed excessively or by those with certain medical conditions. It’s always recommended that before starting any new regimen involving dietary supplements, you should consult with your healthcare provider or seek professional nutrition counseling first.

Transitioning Into Phase II

The Ideal Protein Diet is a structured plan that guides participants through different phases to achieve their weight loss goals. As you transition into the second phase, your diet begins to diversify.

Allowed Foods During Phase II

In this phase, you can enjoy 2 cups of selected vegetables along with unlimited amounts of company-approved raw vegetables and seasonings like ideal salt. The emphasis on low carb diets continues, but there’s an increase in complex carbohydrates intake which helps provide necessary energy for the body without causing significant spikes in blood sugar levels.

This stage also introduces more protein options like fat-free ham and cheese fats while still maintaining high protein dietary patterns established during the first phase. Prepackaged meals from Ideal Protein’s range continue being part of your daily meal plan providing convenience for those who may not have time or prefer not cooking every day. These meals provide 20 grams of protein, making it easier to achieve your weight loss goals.

Limitations Regarding Vegan Diets

A noteworthy limitation about this program is its lack of flexibility when it comes to veganism. While vegetarianism can be accommodated by selecting plant-based proteins over animal-derived ones, vegans might find it challenging due to inclusion of certain ingredients like honey or dairy products in some premade Ideal Protein dishes.

If you’re considering adopting this regimen as a vegan, make sure you discuss any potential concerns with your nutrition counseling professional. They can guide you towards making informed decisions about how best adapt this branded diet according to personal nutritional needs ensuring adequate nutrient intake despite restrictions imposed under IP protocol.


The Ideal Protein Diet is a great option for those looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet. Achievement of weight loss objectives can be made simple through the utilization of pre-packaged meals and a personalized coach tailored to your individual needs. So, if you’re looking to lose weight and want to try a ketogenic diet, the Ideal Protein Plan is an ideal option for you.

Key Takeaway: The Ideal Protein Diet is a structured weight loss plan that transitions participants into different phases. During Phase II, there’s an emphasis on low carb diets and complex carbohydrates intake to provide necessary energy without causing significant spikes in blood sugar levels. However, vegans may find it challenging due to the inclusion of certain ingredients like honey or dairy products in some premade Ideal Protein dishes.

Weight Loss Results and Downsides

The Ideal Protein Diet has been a beacon of hope for many seeking to achieve their weight loss goals. The diet, which emphasizes high protein dietary patterns and low carb diets, has yielded some impressive results.

Success Stories from Participants

Participants have often seen considerable weight reduction in a brief span of time due to the Ideal Protein program. Some participants have reported losing as much as 60 lbs within just three months on this ketogenic diet – quite an achievement. These success stories often involve people who’ve struggled with body weight issues for years finally finding solace in this branded diet.

A common thread among these successful dieters is adherence to the program’s guidelines, including consuming prepackaged meals like premade ideal protein dishes and company-approved raw vegetables. This strict regimen may seem daunting at first but proves effective when followed diligently.

Potential Downfalls Including Cost

However, it’s important not to overlook potential downsides associated with the Ideal Protein Diet. One major criticism is related to cost; maintaining such a regimented eating pattern requires purchasing specific food items provided by the company itself at marked-up prices.

  • Poor Food Quality: Some users have complained about the poor quality of prepackaged meals provided under this plan, leading them to seek cheaper alternatives that ultimately yield better future outcomes by teaching sustainable practices instead of relying heavily on regimented protocols espoused under the IP regimen.
  • Cheaper Alternatives: With numerous other options available today offering similar benefits without heavy reliance on processed foods or expensive weekly costs, many are exploring more affordable ways towards achieving their dietary freedom and healthy lifestyle goals.
  • Hitting Plateau: Many users hit a plateau after initial rapid water weight loss due to the high-protein, low-carb nature of the diet, making it hard to continue seeing progress despite following all rules religiously, causing frustration among dieters.

Despite its drawbacks, the Ideal Protein Diet can be an effective tool for weight loss when tailored to individual needs and goals. This diet offers meals with a hefty 20g of protein per serving, and concentrates on complex carbohydrates and beneficial fats, allowing you to slim down without sacrificing your nutritional requirements. However, it’s important to consult with a weight loss coach based on your individual needs and goals before starting any new diet plan.

Key Takeaway: The Ideal Protein Diet emphasizes high protein and low carb diets, yielding impressive weight loss results for those who adhere to the program’s guidelines. However, potential downsides include cost, poor food quality of prepackaged meals, and hitting a plateau after initial rapid water weight loss. It is important to consult with a weight loss coach before starting any new diet plan tailored to individual needs and goals.

Health Concerns Related To Animal Proteins

The Ideal Protein Diet, like many high protein dietary patterns, heavily relies on animal proteins. However, overconsumption of animal proteins can pose long-term health risks, as demonstrated by Anderson-Haynes et al.’s study.

Risks Of High Animal Proteins Consumption

A study by Anderson-Haynes et al., found that diets high in animal protein could potentially increase the risk of diabetes. This is due to their often-high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol which can lead to insulin resistance over time.

Furthermore, some have posited that consuming an abundance of meat may be linked to cardiovascular illness. The American Heart Association recommends limiting red meat intake as it tends to be higher in saturated fat than chicken or fish.

  • Saturated Fats: These types of fats raise your level of “bad” LDL cholesterol which increases your risk for heart disease and stroke.
  • Cholesterol: Too much cholesterol can build up plaque along artery walls causing them to narrow (atherosclerosis), reducing blood flow leading eventually heart attack stroke if left unchecked.

In addition to these concerns about specific nutrients within animal products themselves, another criticism lies within its limitation towards plant-based proteins. Plant-based sources not only provide essential amino acids but also come packed with fiber, antioxidants, and other vital nutrients absent from meats, thereby contributing overall nutritional balance for a healthy diet.

The limitation of the Ideal Protein plan to only a few vegetables and complex carbs leaves it short on diversity, thus failing to take advantage of all that whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds have to offer in terms of macro- and micro-nutrients essential for health. Thus, leaving one to wonder whether such a restrictive approach is truly sustainable in the long run, especially considering the importance of dietary freedom in maintaining a balanced lifestyle beyond mere weight loss goals.

Key Takeaway: The Ideal Protein Diet heavily relies on animal proteins, which can be beneficial for weight loss and muscle building in the short term. However, there are potential long-term health risks associated with a diet rich in animal proteins such as increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease due to high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol. The lack of diversity in plant-based protein sources poses a problem as it limits overall nutritional balance necessary for optimal health and wellness beyond mere weight loss goals.

Sustainability and Maintenance Post-Diet Completion

One of the biggest challenges after completing the Ideal Protein Diet is maintaining weight loss results. Many people struggle to keep off the pounds they shed during this high protein dietary pattern.

The Challenge of Maintaining Lost Weight

The drastic calorie reduction throughout the diet plan makes it difficult to sustain weight loss. The Ideal Protein Plan encourages a low carb, low calorie intake which may not be sustainable for most individuals in the long run without proper training or guidance transitioning back to normal eating habits afterward.

It’s common for dieters who’ve achieved their weight loss goals on such restrictive diets like ketogenic diet and Ideal Protein’s regimen, only to regain part, if not all, of their initially lost body weight within a couple of years following cessation. This phenomenon is often due to a return to previous unhealthy eating habits post-diet completion.

A study published by JAMA Network revealed that while rapid initial weight loss can result from these kinds of diets, it also leads to significant rebound overeating once regular food consumption resumes due to its effect on leptin levels – an important hormone responsible for regulating hunger and satiety signals in our bodies.

Maintaining Progress Post-Diet

In order to maintain your hard-earned progress after finishing any kind of structured program, including Ideal Protein Diet, here are some tips:

  • Eat Balanced Meals: Include complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats in each meal you consume post-dieting period. These will provide essential nutrients needed for overall health while keeping you satisfied for longer periods, reducing chances of overeating.
  • Maintain Regular Exercise: Physical activity helps burn calories even when we’re at rest, so incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine can help maintain your new body weight more effectively than relying solely on dietary restrictions alone.
  • Seek Nutrition Counseling: Consulting with professional nutritionists or dieticians could provide valuable insights about how best to adapt old eating patterns towards healthier ones based on individual needs and preferences, thus promoting better long-term adherence and sustainability compared to strict regimented protocols typically espoused under IP regimen.
Key Takeaway: The Ideal Protein Diet can lead to significant weight loss, but maintaining the results post-diet completion is a challenge due to the drastic calorie reduction and low carb intake. To maintain progress after finishing any structured program, including IP diet, individuals should eat balanced meals, maintain regular exercise, and seek nutrition counseling for better long-term adherence and sustainability.

Criticism Towards Ideal Protein’s Claims And Accreditation Status

There has been criticism directed towards the Ideal Protein Diet, particularly concerning its claims about human physiology and its lack of accreditation from reputable organizations like the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Inaccurate Claims About Human Physiology By Ideal Protein

The Ideal Protein Plan claims that by restricting carbohydrate intake, your body will be forced to burn fat for energy – a process known as ketosis. While this concept isn’t entirely incorrect, critics argue that it oversimplifies how our bodies work.

Complex carbohydrates, vital for supplying energy and sustaining bodily processes, are a necessary component of any healthy diet. The absence of these in the Ideal Protein Diet has led some experts to question whether such high protein dietary patterns can truly promote long-term health and wellness.

Lack Of Peer-Reviewed Studies Supporting Ideal Protein’s Effectiveness

Furthermore, there seems to be a lack of peer-reviewed studies backing up Ideal Protein’s effectiveness. Although there are reports of people achieving weight loss with the Ideal Protein diet, it would be reassuring to have scientific evidence that could validate these claims.

This concern is further compounded by their non-accredited status with BBB, which raises questions about transparency and business ethics within the company itself. A quick search online reveals mixed reviews regarding customer experiences with Ideal Protein’s services.

  • Mixed Reviews: Some customers reported achieving their weight loss goals while others complained about poor food quality and expensive weekly costs associated with prepackaged meals provided under this program.
  • Poor Food Quality: Complaints ranged from tasteless meals to constant constipation due to low fiber content in many premade Ideal Protein dishes offered as part of their branded diet plans.
  • Hitting Plateaus: Many users hit plateaus after a few weeks into the program, leading them to seek cheaper alternatives offering better future outcomes teaching sustainable practices instead of relying heavily on regimented protocols espoused under the Ideal Protein regimen.
Key Takeaway: The Ideal Protein Diet has faced criticism for its claims about human physiology and lack of accreditation from reputable organizations like the BBB. The diet’s focus on restricting carbohydrates and promoting high protein intake has been questioned by experts, with some noting a lack of peer-reviewed studies supporting its effectiveness. Mixed reviews from customers have also highlighted concerns over food quality, plateauing weight loss results, and expensive weekly costs associated with prepackaged meals provided under this program.

Mixed Reviews On Success With The Program

As with any diet plan, the Ideal Protein Diet has received a range of reviews from its participants. Some have had positive outcomes from the program, while others encountered difficulties that led them to try other approaches.

Successful Outcomes From Participants

A number of individuals following the Ideal Protein Plan reported significant weight loss and improved health markers. For instance, some users claimed to lose as much as 60 lbs within just three months on this high protein dietary pattern. They attributed their success to the regimented protocols espoused under IP regimen which included premade ideal protein dishes and nutrition counseling provided by a weight loss coach based at an affiliated clinic.

The ketogenic nature of this diet also helped many shed water weight initially, giving them motivation to continue with the program. Moreover, they appreciated having meals provide 20 grams of proteins along with low carb and fat options which simplified meal planning for them.

Challenges Faced By Users During Their Journey

In contrast, there were those who felt let down by various aspects of the program such as poor food quality or expensive weekly costs associated with prepackaged meals like peanut butter bars or branded diet supplements sold exclusively through Ideal Protein’s online store.

  • Dietary Freedom: Many complained about constant constipation due to lack of complex carbohydrates in their diets leading them towards seeking cheaper alternatives offering more dietary freedom.
  • Hitting Plateaus: Several users hit plateaus after initial rapid weight loss making it difficult for them achieve long-term results despite strict adherence to prescribed guidelines including consumption restrictions around cheese fats and company-approved raw vegetables only seasoned using ideal salt.
  • Sustainability Concerns: Lastly, concerns were raised regarding sustainability post-diet completion where people struggled maintaining lost bodyweight without ongoing support from coaches at affiliated clinics. This highlighted need for teaching sustainable practices instead relying heavily on restrictive plans alone.
Key Takeaway: The Ideal Protein Diet has received mixed reviews from its users, with some reporting significant weight loss and improved health markers while others faced challenges such as poor food quality or expensive prepackaged meals. Some users hit plateaus after initial rapid weight loss and struggled to maintain lost bodyweight without ongoing support from coaches at affiliated clinics, highlighting the need for sustainable practices instead of relying heavily on restrictive plans alone.

FAQs in Relation to Ideal Protein Diet

What are the side effects of the Ideal Protein Diet?

The low-carb nature of the Ideal Protein Diet can cause potential side effects such as fatigue, bad breath, hair loss, and constipation.

How much weight can you lose on the Ideal Protein Diet?

Results vary individually, but during Phase I of the Ideal Protein Diet, you may potentially lose 2-5 pounds per week.

Is the Ideal Protein Diet FDA approved?

No, diets are not approved by the FDA. The FDA only regulates food and drug products for safety and effectiveness.

Is Ideal Protein the same as Optavia?

No, while both are commercial weight loss programs, they have different meal plans and dietary guidelines. You can find more details on their respective websites: Optavia and Ideal Protein.

What should you avoid on the Ideal Protein Diet?

Avoid personal experiences or anecdotes, unverified claims or pseudoscience, and off-topic subjects not related to the Ideal Protein Diet.

What are some credible sources to learn more about the Ideal Protein Diet?

You can visit the Ideal Protein website or consult with a healthcare professional for more information.